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INEWAG Africa region consultations commence in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi and Ghana

Updated: Jun 29, 2022

After the consultation held in May at Zanzibar under the umbrella of the International Network to End Violence against Women and Girls (INEWAG), which discussed emerging issues such as climate justice and environmental disaster management, and economic justice for women- there was a need to extend the conversations to the national teams.

In light of this, the Africa region will be holding, country consultations in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Malawi, and Ghana. These consultations will also serve as report-back sessions on the work done in Zanzibar. The objectives are as follows:

  • To collectively explore and deepen our shared understanding of what depoliticising violence against women means

  • To focus on the concepts of intersectionality and intergenerational work and what this means to our work as INEVAWG

  • To review and give feedback on the membership guidelines for INEVAWG and propose a plan to amplify and activate more members at the national level

The dates are as follows:

Zimbabwe-29 June 2022

Tanzania-30 June 2022

Malawi- 1 July 2022

Ghana- 5 July 2022


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