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[Read] National Strategic Plan on GBV: 2020-2030

This National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) was made possible by the Interim Steering Committee (ISC) on GBVF, a collaboration of civil society and government, under the stewardship of Advocate Brenda Madumise-Pajibo and Dr Olive Shisana, respectively. In addition, we acknowledge the financial, technical and overall support from the following groups: Development partners - The Ford Foundation, GIZ, The Embassy of Ireland in South Africa, National Lottery Commission, UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNFPA and UN Women.

Government stakeholders - Department of Social Development, Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Civil society organisations that hosted public consultation meetings, including the administrative and facilitation support from Masimanyane Women’s Rights International and Soul City Institute for Social Justice.

The many South Africans who participated in the public consultations, including civil society organisations, contributed to the document. Last but not least, we are incredibly indebted to the women in the ISC, its secretariat, technical working teams, and co-drafters, whose professional contributions, from fundraising to intellectual contributions on this strategy, including their dedication and commitment to ending GBVF brought us to this point. See the attachment for more information:


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